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Project 5B: Distributed Store 🌎 📡

Due May 9, 2024 at 6:00pm EST
(Note on late hours: owing to the tight grading schedule, you can use at most 51 late hours on this project.)


In Project 5A, you implemented a key-value storage system for a single server.

Many major websites like Twitter, AirBnB, and Facebook have so many users that no single server can store all their data, or handle all user requests for data. Instead, they carefully split the data (and the requests accessing it) across many servers. This idea is called sharding.

For this assignment, our servers shard by the first character of a key. For example, if our key space is strings comprised of [A, Z], the range [A, D] might be one shard, the range [E, F] another shard, etc. Then one server would store all keys starting with A through D, another would store all keys starting with E through F, etc.

In this assignment, you'll implement:

Example Workflow: Courses @ Brown

Imagine you're searching for courses on C@B. In this scenario, we'll let course codes be the keys and course C@B page content be the values.

  1. You enter "CS300" in the search bar. Your computer then:
    • Establishes a client connection to the shardcontroller server, and
    • Sends a request for the address of the key-value server responsible for the key "CS300."
  2. The shardcontroller processes your request and returns that server 1 is responsible for "CS300."
  3. Your computer:
    • Establishes a client connection to server 1, and
    • Sends your request (GET "CS300") to it.
  4. Server 1 runs the Get() method you implemented in Project 5A on its key-value store and returns the value (the CS300 course page) to your computer. You made the key-value store thread-safe in Project 5A, so each server can safely process multiple client requests concurrently.
  5. Later, a C@B admin:
    • Establishes a client connection to the shardcontroller, and
    • Issues a "Move" request to assign the shard [C] to server 2.
  6. Server 1 queries the shardcontroller periodically. Once it recognizes that the [C] shard has been moved, it:
    • Establishes a client connection to server 2, and
    • Issues a "Put" request to move the "CS300" key-value pair to server 2. (Note that servers can therefore be clients of other servers!)

Here's a diagram of this workflow:

C@B example workflow

Optional: Interested in real-world use cases of sharding?

If you're curious how what you're building relates to real-world industry use, take a look at these papers:

  • Scaling Memcache at Facebook by Nishtala et al., which describes how Facebook deploys the memcached key-value store at scale. The store you're implementing in part 1 of this assignment is somewhat similar to memcached.
  • Slicer: Auto-Sharding for Datacenter Applications by Adya et al., which describes Google's auto-sharding system (called "Slicer"). The shardcontroller you will implement in the second part of this assignment is similar to Google's Slicer.

Learning Objectives

This assignment will help you:

Assignment Installation

Ensure that your project repository has a handout remote. Type:

$ git remote show handout

If this reports an error, run:

$ git remote add handout https://github.com/csci0300/cs300-s24-projects.git

Then run:

$ git pull
$ git pull handout main

This will merge our Project 5B stencil code with your repository. If there are any merge conflicts, resolve them now.

Once you have a local working copy of the repository that is up to date with our stencils, you are good to proceed.

Part 1: Shardcontroller

First, you'll implement the shardcontroller. The design of this program is inspired by the Slicer system at Google, which works the same way.

Why Are We Doing This?

If we're going to shard our keys across multiple servers (c.f. Introduction), then we need to keep track of which server is responsible for which shard. That's what the shardcontroller does!


You'll be working in the shardcontroller directory, implementing these methods in static_shardcontroller.cpp:

Name Arguments Behavior
Query None Returns the current configuration, i.e., the distribution of shards across key-value servers.
Join The address that the joining server listens on. The shardcontroller should add the server to the configuration.
Leave The address that the leaving server is listening on. The shardcontroller should remove the server from the configuration. If at least one server remains in the configuration, the shardcontroller should reassign the leaving server's shards to the server listed first in the configuration.
Move A vector of shard(s) and the address of a key-value server. Updates the configuration to assign the specified shard(s) to the specified server.

Note that in this part of the project, you are only expected to adapt the configuration data on the shardcontroller. In Part 2, you will actually move keys between key-value servers.

Example: Configuration Walkthrough

Three servers running on elephant:4000, tiger:9999 and bear:713 join. At this point, our shardcontroller configuration should look like this:

KV Server Shards

Now, let's say we move [0, 9] to elephant:4000, move [A, G] to tiger:9999, and [H, L] to bear:713:

KV Server Shards
bear:713 [H, L]
elephant:4000 [0, 9]
tiger:9999 [A, G]

Note that we're not required to shard all keys! In this case, no server is responsible for the shard [M, Z].

Say that bear:713 leaves, so we get:

KV Server Shards
elephant:4000 [0, 9], [H, L]
tiger:9999 [A, G]

If we move [2, 5] to tiger:9999, we get:

KV Server Shards
elephant:4000 [0, 1], [6, 9], [H, L]
tiger:9999 [2, 5], [A, G]

If bear:713 rejoins and we move [A, Z] to it, then we should have:

KV Server Shards
bear:713 [A, Z]
elephant:4000 [0, 1], [6, 9]
tiger:9999 [2, 5]

Note that the shard [A, Z] spanned multiple servers, so both elephant:4000's and tiger:9999's shards were modified.

Also note that you can think of moving as having two steps: first, modifying any shards that are split/removed as a result of the move, and then actually moving the shard(s) to the specified server. For example, in the last move above, the first step modifies elephant:4000 and tiger:9999's shards to remove [A, Z], and the second step actually adds [A, Z] to bear:713's shards.

Task: Implement the StaticShardController methods in the table above in the order that they're listed. More details about these functions can be found in static_shardcontroller.hpp. These methods take in Request and Response structs; you can find the struct definitions in net/shardcontroller_commands.hpp

Once you are done with this task, you should be passing the shardcontroller_tests tests!

More specifically:

Note that your shardcontroller operations must be thread-safe, since mutliple clients could be sending commands to the shardcontroller at the same time. We provide a mutex called config_mtx in static_shardcontroller.hpp for you to use for this purpose.

  • Notes on Leave:
    • Our underlying data structure for the configuration is an ordered map, so when we say "first remaining server" in Leave, you can be guaranteed that when you iterate through the map, the order of key-value pairs is consistent.
    • To test that Leave correctly reassigns the server's shards, the servers need to have shards in the first place. For servers to have shards, we need to move shards to them. So, we can't fully test Leave until after Move is implementedthat's what test_leave_after_move does.
  • test_handout_example_move corresponds exactly to the Example: Configuration Walkthrough. If you're having trouble with Move, that's a good place to start debugging.
  • You do not need to implement (or use) the ShardControllerConfig::get_server method in this sectionyou'll do that in Part 2.
  • You may find the C++ std::map documentation helpful!
  • If you're stuck on a test, you can see how your shardcontroller behaves by running it with a client.

If you're failing tests, compile and run them individually to see the verbose output (see Debugging).

Testing it out with a Client

The new client you'll use to test this part is clients/client. The client can invoke all the methods specified in the above table on your shardcontroller (run help for a list of the available commands). Only move and query will work for nowyou'll add support for the other client commands in Part 2!

From the course container, start a couple of servers, one shardcontroller and one client (see Build & Test). From there, test out your shardcontroller!


Terminal 1: Run a shardcontroller on port 13100

$ ./shardcontroller 13100
Listening on address 29f0c19d87b:13100

Terminal 2: Run a server on port 13101 with 2 workers, then join the shardcontroller configuration:

$ ./server 13101 29f0c19d87b:13100 2;
Listening on address 29f0c19d87b:13101
Shardcontroller on: d629970f3002:13100


Terminal 3: Runs a server on port 13102 with 2 workers, then join the shardcontroller configuration:

$ ./server 13102 29f0c19d87b:13100 2;
Listening on address 29f0c19d87b:13102
Shardcontroller on: d629970f3002:13100


Terminal 4: Runs a client:

$ ./client 29f0c19d87b:13100
Connected to shardcontroller at d629970f3002:13100


move 29f0c19d87b:13101 A Z
29f0c19d87b:13101: [A, Z]

move 29f0c19d87b:13102 A Z
29f0c19d87b:13102: [A, Z]

move 29f0c19d87b:13101 0 K Y Z
29f0c19d87b:13101: [0, K], [Y, Z]
29f0c19d87b:13102: [L, X]

If we then switch back to Terminal 3 and type "leave," the next client query should give:

29f0c19d87b:13101: [0, K], [L, X], [Y, Z]

Part 2: Server

Now that your shardcontroller works, it's time to use it!

Why Are We Doing This?

So far, the shardcontroller sounds nice, but it doesn't actually move keys between key-value servers. In other words, we haven't touched on how the key-value servers handle configuration changes. If a subset of ids on server1 gets moved to server2, somehow we need to send the key-value pairs stored previously on server1 to their new home!


Before we handle configuration changes, we'll first make a small optimization to our server. The server code is located in server/server.cpp.

Right now, each server needs to manually execute their Join and Leave requests. It would be nice if instead, the server sends a Join request on startup and a Leave request on shutdown. (It still can issue manual requests if it wants to join/leave without shutting down, but this automation saves some time).

Task: Send a join request to the shardcontroller on startup, and a leave request on shutdown. Once you're done, you should pass server_tests/test_join_leave.
Note: If you haven't already, be sure to change your key-value store in start() to be a ConcurrentKvStore instead of a SimpleKvStore.

Now that we join and leave the shardcontroller configuration automatically, it's time to respond to configuration changes.

First, you'll implement a helper called get_server, which, given the configuration and a key, should return the server responsible for the key. If no server is responsible, it should return std::nullopt.

Task: Implement get_server in common/config.cpp.

Once you're done, you should pass server_tests/test_get_server.

Note: Take a look at the Shard struct in shard.hpp for some helpful utilities!

Now, you'll implement a method called process_config, which should query the shardcontroller for the current configuration of shards. If the server is no longer responsible for some of its keys, process_config should:

Details About Transferring

To transfer key-value pairs, your server (the sender) needs to become a client of another server! It's a client because it's the active endpoint of the connection; it will establish a connection to the destination server, send a request to put the key(s), and check that it receives a successful response.

Each server spawns a thread to run process_config every 250ms (c.f. process_config_loop). This design means that every quarter of a second, your server will update its config, then its key-value store accordingly.

Since each server only updates its config every 250ms, it's possible that one server tries to transfer some key-value pairs to another, but the destination server's config is still out of date. The destination server wouldn't recognize that it's responsible for its new shards, so it rejects the transfer request. That's why it's important to retry transfers until successif we don't, then the key-value pairs would be lost after the sending server deletes them from its store. If we keep trying, then eventually the destination server will run process_config, update its config accordingly, then accept the request.

Task: Finish implementing process_config. Once you're done, you should pass server_tests/test_process_config.

  • We've handled implementing some of process_config for youthe remaining tasks are marked TODO.
  • Look at server.hppwe've marked the fields you'll need to use.
  • How can you use get_server() to help you?

Part 3: Client

In this section, we'll extend the client from Project 5A to incorporate the shardcontroller.

Why Are We Doing This?

In Project 5A, you used the SimpleClient, which you run like this:

./simple_client <server address>

Then, the simple client sends all of its requests to the specified server.

Now that we're sharding our keys across servers, this design won't work. There's no way for the client to know upon start which server(s) are responsible for the keys in its request. So, we need to extend the client such that it:


Take a look at shardkv_client.cpp. We've provided implementations for Get, Put, Append, and Delete. Your task is to finish the ShardKvClient implementation by writing MultiGet and MultiPut.

Task: Implement MultiGet.

This implementation must be a proper MultiGet that invokes the server-side MultiGet operation on the KVStore, not just a set of repeated calls to Get (which would have different atomicity properties). Our tests have a performance component that checks for this.

Once you're done, you should pass shardkv_client_tests/test_multiget.

Task: Implement MultiPut.

As above, this implementation must be a proper MultiPut that invokes the server-side MultiPut operation on the KVStore, not just a set of repeated calls to Put (which would have different atomicity properties). Our tests have a performance component that checks for this.

Once you're done, you should pass shardkv_client_tests/test_multiput.

Hints for MultiPut and MultiGet!
  • Say you have three servers with this configuration:

    KV Server Shards
    bear:713 [0, B]
    elephant:4000 [C, N]
    tiger:9999 [O, Z]

    and the ShardKvClient wants to issue a MultiGet request for keys [apple, banana, clementine. grape, orange, pear]. It should:

    • Determine which servers are responsible for which keysin this example, bear:713 has "apple" and "banana", elephant:4000 has "clementine" and "grape", and tiger:9999 has "orange" and "pear". You've already written functionality that should help with this!
    • Get the values for those keys from the corresponding servers and return them to the client.
  • Order matters! If the ShardKvClient issues a MultiGet request for keys [malte, nick, christina], we would expect to get back [schwarzkopf, demarinis, paxson] in that order.

  • Remember that you can (and should) invoke the SimpleClient code when you candon't accidentally reimplement something we've done for you.

  • If you're debugging the tests, try decreasing kNumKeyValuePairs and kNumBatches to make the output more readable.

Testing it out with a Client

You should now have a fully functioning ShardKvClient! You can test that by:

For instructions on how to run these executables, see Build & Test or Part 1's "Testing it out with a client" section.

You now have a fully functioning distributed system! :tada:

Build & Test

You'll compile and run everything in the build directory.

You'll want to run these commands in separate terminals!

To run a shardcontroller (from thebuild folder):

$ ./shardcontroller <port>

To run the client (from thebuild directory):

$ ./client <shardcontroller_address>

To run a server (from thebuild directory):

$ ./server <port> <shardcontroller_address> <n_workers>

You can now interact with your shard controller, servers, and clients via REPL commands.


To run all tests, run make check 5B or make check distributed_store in the build directory.

For debugging purposes, you may want to run tests individually. To do so, run the executable corresponding to the test name in the build directory. For example, to run test_complex_moves, do:

build$ ./test_complex_moves

This will let you see the output from the tests, and you can use GDB on the executable as you did in Project 5A.

If you are failing a test, it is a very good idea to read the test implementation in the tests directory. The test files are extensively commented to tell you what each assertion is checking, which will be very helpful in debugging!


While debugging this assignment, it will be incredibly helpful to compile and run the tests individuallythey have a lot of output that make check suppresses! Since each test is just its own C++ file, we can compile and execute them like any other file. So, for example, to run test_join individually, do:

make test_join

All the debugging techniques you've learned throughout the course apply to this project too. Finding bugs in distributed systems can be challenging, but we are sure you can do it! :+1:

Troubleshooting failure messages:

Here are some common error outputs from the test suite, and hints for how do deal with them.

Hanging Tests

If a specific test remains running for more than about a minute, this is a sign that your implementation contains a deadlock. For this, GDB's multi-threaded debugging tools will be useful. Again, you can run the particular test in GDB with the command gdb {test_name} from the build directory.

After letting the program run in GDB for a bit, you can use Ctrl-C to pause the execution of all threads. After doing this, you can use the command info threads to see a list of all of the running threads and where they are in execution.

If it seems like a lot of threads are waiting on a mutex (their function is listed as _lock_wait), you can select one of these threads (with the command thread <t_id>), and look at its backtrace. If you look at the frame just before the frame for the lock() function, you should be able to see which of your mutexes it is waiting for. You can get information about this mutex with the command p <mutex>. Some of the more useful information that this shows you is the ID of the thread that currently holds the mutex!

Extra Credit

For this project, graduate students taking CSCI 1310 do not need to complete extra credit work for this assignment.

Implementing a Dynamic Shardcontroller

You have a fully functional distributed system capable of reconfiguration to move shards between servers now. But it still implements the simple scheme that partitions the key space equally between your servers.

In the real world, keys (and therefore shards) are not equally popular. For example, celebrities on X or Instagram have many more followers than most other users. If a shard stores a celebrity's timeline, it will receive many more requests than others, which could overload that shard!

Think about how you could adapt your shardcontroller to implement a smarter redistribution scheme that takes into account how busy the shards are.

Then, design and implement a scheme for a dynamic shardcontroller that reacts to load. Your design will likely involve adding new state and messages to the shardcontroller and servers. You'll need to provide proof of your improvements (for example, subjecting your new system and your old one to similar loads and collecting statistics on how frequently each server is contacted) to show how you've improved system throughput.

There is no single right answer here; we will award credit for any reasonable scheme.

Handing In & Grading

Handin instructions

As before, you will hand in your code using Git. In the kvstore subdirectory of your project repository, you MUST fill in the text file called README-5B.md.

Remind me again what the README.md should contain?
The README.md file will include the following:
  1. Any design decisions you made and comments for graders, under "Design Overview". If there's nothing interesting to say, just list "None".
  2. Any collaborators and citations for help that you received, under "Collaborators". CS 300 encourages collaboration, but we expect you to acknowledge help you received, as is standard academic practice.
  3. Ranking the difficulty and time consumption of the project, compared to other projects so far. We won't use this for grading, but we collect the data to calibrate for future years.

Grading breakdown

This project is graded out of 100 points:

Important note: You can use a maximum of 51 late hours on this project!

Now head to the grading server. Make sure that you have the "Distributed Store" page configured correctly with your project repository, and check that your tests pass on the grading server as expected.

Note: If the commit you want graded is not your most recent one, you should flag the one you want graded and the grading commit will be updated after the autograder finishes.

Congrats! You're officially done with the last project for the class :clap:

Acknowledgements: This project was developed for CS 300. The current iteration was developed by Carolyn Zech, Richard Tang, Nicholas DeMarinis, and Malte Schwarzkopf.