Lecture 10: Assembly Control Flow

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More Assembly Language

Recap: Registers

Whenever you see %ZZZ in assembly code, this refers to a register named ZZZ. The x86-64 registers have confusing names because they evolved over time; each register also has multiple names that refer to different subsets of its bits. For example %rax, one of the general-purpose registers that is, by convention, used to pass return values from functions, is split into the following five names:

 63                              31              15      7       0
 |                               |               |       |       |

 |---------------------%rax (64 bits/8 bytes)--------------------|
                                 |-----%eax (32 bits/4 bytes)----|
                                                 |-%ax (16b/2B)--|
                                                 |--%ah--|--%al--| <-- 8 bits/1 byte each

Assembly instructions often have a suffix that indicates what input data size and register width they're operating on. For instance, a set of "move" instructions help load signed and unsigned 8-, 16-, and 32-bit quantities from memory into registers. movzbl, for example, moves an 8-bit quantity (a byte) into 32-bit register (a longword; e.g., %eax) with zero extension; movslq moves a 32-bit quantity (longword) into a 64-bit register (quadword; e.g., %rax) with sign extension.

Note that what looks like types (such as long, short, etc.) here merely refers to the register width used in the instruction. All actual types are removed from the program during compilation; there are no types in assembly (for examples, see asm06.s and asm07.s and their corresponding C source files in the lecture code).

There are three basic kinds of assembly instructions:
  1. Computation: These instructions computate on values, typically values stored in registers. Most have zero or one source operands and one source/destination operand, with the source operand coming first. For example, the instruction addq %rax, %rbx performs the computation %rbx := %rbx + %rax.
  2. Data movement: These instructions move data between registers and memory – so they can move values from one register to another, from memory into a register, and from a register back to memory. Almost all move instructions have one source operand and one destination operand; the source operand comes first. For example, movq %rax, %rbx copies the contents of %rax into %rbx, so it performs the assignment %rbx = %rax.
  3. Control flow: Normally the CPU executes instructions in sequence and in the order they appear in the assembly code (and, once translated into bytes, the order in memory). Control flow instructions change the next instruction the processor executes (something called the "instruction pointer", and stored in special register %rip). There are unconditional branches (the instruction pointer is set to a new value), conditional branches (the instruction pointer is set to a new value if a condition is true), and function call and return instructions.

Some instructions appear to combine computation and data movement. For example, given the C code int* pi; ... ++(*pi); the compiler might generate incl (%rax) rather than movl (%rax), %ebx; incl %ebx; movl %ebx, (%rax). However, the processor actually divides these complex instructions into tiny, simpler, invisible instructions called microcode, because the simpler instructions can be made to execute faster. The complex incl instruction actually runs in three phases: data movement, then computation, then data movement. This matters when we introduce parallelism.

Different assembly syntaxes

There are actually multiple ways of writing x86-64 assembly. We use the "AT&T syntax", which is distinguished from the "Intel syntax" by several features, but especially by the use of percent signs for registers. Sadly, and just to make things more confusing, the Intel syntax puts destination registers before source registers.

Control Flow

So far, we've looked at assembly code and developed an intuition for how to read assembly language instructions. But all programs we looked at contained only straight control flow, meaning that the assembly instructions simply execute one after another until the processor hits the ret instruction. Real programs contain conditional (if) statements, loops (for, while), and function calls. Today, we will understand how those concepts in the C language translate into assembly, and then build up an understanding of the resulting memory layout that reveals how a dangerous class of computer security attacks is enabled by seemingly innocuous C programs.

Your computer's processor is incredibly dumb: given the memory address of an instruction, it goes and executes that instruction, then executes the next instruction in memory, then the next, etc., until either there are no more instructions to run. Control flow instructions change that default behavior by changing where in memory the processor gets its next instruction from.

The role of the %rip register

The %rip register on x86-64 is a special-purpose register that always holds the memory address of the next instruction to execute in the program's code segment. The processor increments %rip automatically after each instruction, and control flow instructions like branches set the value of %rip to change the next instruction.
Perhaps surprisingly, %rip also shows up when an assembly program refers to a global variable. See the sidebar under "Addressing modes" below to understand how %rip-relative addressing works.

Deviations from sequential instruction execution, such as function calls, loops, and conditionals, are called control flow transfers.

A branch instruction jumps to the instruction following a label in the assembly program. Recall that labels are lines that end with a colon (e.g., .L3:) in the assembly generated from the compiler. In an executable or object file, the labels are replaced by actual memory addresses, so if you disassemble such a file (objdump -d FILE), you will see memory addresses as the branch target instead.

Here is an example of the assembly generated by a program that contains an if statement (controlflow01.c):

        movl    a(%rip), %eax
        cmpl    b(%rip), %eax
        jl      .L4
        rep ret
        movl    $0, %eax
        jmp     .L1
The third and eighth (last) lines both contain branch instructions.

There are two kinds of branches: unconditional and conditional. The jmp or j instruction (line 8) executes an unconditional branch and control flow always jumps to the branch target (here, .L1). All other branch instructions are conditional: they only branch if some condition holds. That condition is represented by condition flags that are set as a side effect of every arithmetic operation the processor runs. In the example program above, the instruction that sets the flags is cmpl, which is a "compare" instruction that the processor internally executes as a subtraction of its first argument from its second argument, setting the flags and throwing away the result.

Arithmetic instructions change part of the %rflags register. The most commonly used flags are:

Although a few instructions let you load specific flags into the flag register, code usually accesses flags via a conditional jump or a conditional move instruction.

You will often see the test and cmp instructions before a conditional branch. As mentioned above, these operations perform arithmetic but throw away the result (rather than storing it in the destination register), but set the flags. test performs binary AND, while cmp performs subtraction, and both set the flags according to the result.

Below is a table of all branch instructions on the x86-64 architecture and the flags they look at to decide whether to branch and execute the next instruction at the branch target, or whether to continue execution with the next sequential instruction after the branch.

Instruction Mnemonic C example Flags
j (jmp) Jump break; (Unconditional)
je (jz) Jump if equal (zero) if (x == y) ZF
jne (jnz) Jump if not equal (nonzero) if (x != y) !ZF
jg (jnle) Jump if greater if (x > y), signed !ZF && !(SF ^ OF)
jge (jnl) Jump if greater or equal if (x >= y), signed !(SF ^ OF)
jl (jnge) Jump if less if (x < y), signed SF ^ OF
jle (jng) Jump if less or equal if (x <= y), signed (SF ^ OF) || ZF
ja (jnbe) Jump if above if (x > y), unsigned !CF && !ZF
jae (jnb) Jump if above or equal if (x >= y), unsigned !CF
jb (jnae) Jump if below if (x < y), unsigned CF
jbe (jna) Jump if below or equal if (x <= y), unsigned CF || ZF
js Jump if sign bit if (x < 0), signed SF
jns Jump if not sign bit if (x >= 0), signed !SF
jc Jump if carry bit N/A CF
jnc Jump if not carry bit N/A !CF
jo Jump if overflow bit N/A OF
jno Jump if not overflow bit N/A !OF

Conditional branch instructions and flags are sufficient to support both conditional statements (if (...) { ... } else { ... } blocks in C) and loops (for (...) { ... }, while (...) { ... }, and do { ... } while (...)). For a conditional, the branch either jumps if the condition is true (or false, depending on how the compiler lays out the assembly) and continues execution otherwise. For a loop, the assembly will contain a conditional branch at the end of the loop body that checks the loop condition; if it is still satisfied, the branch jumps back to a label (or address) at the top of the loop.

When you see a conditional branch in assembly code whose target is a label or address above the branching instruction, it is nearly always a loop.

Consider the example in controlflow02.s, and the corresponding program in controlflow02.c. Let's focus on the assembly code following the label:

        movslq  (%rdx), %rcx
        addq    %rcx, %rax
        addq    $4, %rdx
        cmpq    %rsi, %rdx
        jne     .L3
        rep ret
Here, the loop variable is held in register %rdx, and the value that the loop variable is compared to on each iteration is in %rsi. (You can infer this from the fact that these registers are the only ones that appear in a comparison.) The instruction above cmpq increments the loop variable by 4 every time the loop executes. Finally, loop's body consists of the two instructions above the addq $4, %rdx instruction: the first dereferences a pointer in %rdx and puts the value at the memory address it points to into register %rcx, and the second adds that value to the contents of %rax. Since %rax does not change before the conditional branch, it will be incremented by the value pointed to by %rdx on every iteration: this loop iterates over integers in memory via pointer arithmetic.

Adressing Modes

We have seen a few ways in which assembly instruction's operands can be written already. In particular, the loop example contains (%rdx), which dereferences the address stored in register %rdx.

The full, general form of a memory operand is offset(base, index, scale), which refers to the address offset + base + index*scale. In 0x18(%rax, %rbx, 4), %rax is the base, 0x18 the offset, %rbx the index, and 4 the scale. The offset (if used) must be a constant and the base and index (if used) must be registers; the scale must be either 1, 2, 4, or 8. In other words, if we write this as N(%reg1, %reg2, M), the address computed is %reg1 + N + %reg2 * M.

The default offset, base, and index are 0, and the default scale is 1, and instructions omit these parts if they take their default values. You will most often see instructions of the form offset(%register), which perform simple addition to the address in the register and then dereference the result. But occasionally, you may come across instructions that use both base and index registers, or which use the full general form.

Below is a handy overview table containing all the possible ways of writing operands to assembly instructions.

Type Example syntax Value used
Register %rbp Contents of %rbp
Immediate $0x4 0x4
Memory 0x4 Value stored at address 0x4
symbol_name Value stored in global symbol_name
(the compiler resolves the symbol name to an address when creating the executable)
symbol_name(%rip) %rip-relative addressing for global (see below)
symbol_name+4(%rip) Simple computations on symbols are allowed
(the compiler resolves the computation when creating the executable)
(%rax) Value stored at address in %rax
0x4(%rax) Value stored at address %rax + 4
(%rax,%rbx) Value stored at address %rax + %rbx
(%rax,%rbx,4) Value stored at address %rax + %rbx*4
0x18(%rax,%rbx,4) Value stored at address %rax + 0x18 + %rbx*4

%rip-relative addressing for global variables

x86-64 code often refers to globals using %rip-relative addressing: a global variable named a is referenced as a(%rip). This style of reference supports position-independent code (PIC), a security feature. It specifically supports position-independent executables (PIEs), which are programs that work independently of where their code is loaded into memory.

When the operating system loads a PIE, it picks a random starting point and loads all instructions and globals relative to that starting point. The PIE's instructions never refer to global variables using direct addressing: there is no movl global_int, %eax. Globals are referenced relatively instead, using deltas relative to the next %rip: to load a global variable into a register, the compiler emits movl global_int(%rip), %eax. These relative addresses work independent of the starting point! For instance, consider an instruction located at (starting-point + 0x80) that loads a variable g located at (starting-point + 0x1000) into %rax. In a non-PIE, the instruction might be written as movq g, %rax; but this relies on g having a fixed address. In a PIE, the instruction might be written movq g(%rip), %rax, which works out without having to know the starting address of the program's code in memory at compile time (instead, %rip contains a number some known number of bytes apart from the starting point, so any address relative to %rip is also relative to the starting point).

At starting point… The mov instruction is at… The next instruction is at… And g is at… So the delta (g - next %rip) is…
0x400000 0x400080 0x400087 0x401000 0xF79
0x404000 0x404080 0x404087 0x405000 0xF79
0x4003F0 0x400470 0x400477 0x4013F0 0xF79

Calling Convention

We discussed conditionals and loops, but there is a third type of control flow: function calls. Assembly language has no functions, just sequences of instructions. Function calls therefore translate into control flow involving branches, but we need a bit more than that: functions can take arguments, and the compiler better make sure that the argument are available after it jumps to a function's instructions!

Defining how function calls and returns work, where a function can expect to find its arguments, and where it must place its return value is the business of a calling convention. A calling convention governs how functions on a particular architecture and operating system interact in assembly code. This includes rules on how function arguments are placed, where return values go, what registers functions may use, how they may allocate local variables, and others.

Why do we need calling conventions?

Calling conventions ensure that functions compiled by different compilers can interoperate, and they ensure that operating systems can run code from different programming languages and compilers. For example, you can call into C code from Python, or link C code compiled with gcc and code compiled with clang. This is possible only because the Python libraries that call into C code understand its calling convention, and because the gcc and clang compilers' authors agree on the calling convention to use.

Some aspects of a calling convention are derived from the instruction set itself and embedded into the architecture (e.g., via special-purpose registers modified as a side-effect of certain instructions), but some are conventional, meaning they wre decided upon by people (for instance, at a convention), and may differ across operating systems and compilers.

Programs call01.c to call06.c and their corresponding assembly in call01.s to call06.s help us figure out the calling convention for x86-64 on the Linux operating system!

The reason why the unoptimized programs seemingly pointlessly write all their arguments to memory in the stack segment is that arguments are local variables of a function, and since local variables have automatic lifetime, they're technically stored in the stack segment. With optimizations, the compiler is smart enough to realize that it can just skip actually storing them, so it just uses the registers containing the arguments directly.


We saw that in assembly, there are computation, data movement, and control flow instructions, and that the compiler often produces somewhat unexpected instruction sequences to make things faster. This is part of why we use compilers: they are incredibly smart at distilling our programs down into the fastest possible sequence of instructions.

We then looked at control flow in assembly, where instructions change what other instructions the processor executes next. In many cases, control flow first involves a flag-setting instruction and then a conditional branch based on the values of the flags register. This allows for conditional statements and loops.

Function calls in assembly are governed by the calling convention of the architecture and operating system used: it determines which registers hold specific values such as arguments and return values, which registers a function may modify, and where on the stack certain information (such as the return address) is stored.

Next time, we will talk more about the stack and how it is managed.