In section, we split the class into smaller groups to review material, discuss, and complete exercises. Sections generally occur on a weekly basis; for details, see the schedule. Here's some of what past students said they liked about sections:
- "I really liked the sections - I found them really useful and tended to learn a lot within them."
- "I know [sections] were new this year, so I really think you should keep them as a part of the course because they were very helpful for having a smaller setting to ask questions and solidify my understanding of concepts."
- "I found section super super helpful as it was a chance to talk to both TAs and other students in the class and ask more specific questions."
- "[Sections] were extremely helpful for understanding concepts that I didn't understand initially in lecture due to the smaller groups in section. I had more opportunities to raise my hand and discuss with others."
Section Times
Please sign up for a section on CAB. You can find the
section times below. All sections occur on Thursday, Friday,
or Saturday.
Please note that all sections are 50 minutes
long, even if the CAB listing indicates otherwise (due to
rules on how University rooms are scheduled).
Section | Day/Time | Location |
C01 | Thursday 3-3:50pm | CIT MSLab |
C02 | Thursday 4-4:50pm | CIT MSLab |
C03 | Thursday 5-5:50pm | CIT MSLab |
C04 | Thursday 6-6:50pm | CIT MSLab |
C05 | Thursday 7-7:50pm | CIT MSLab |
C06 | Friday 11-11:50am | CIT MSLab |
C07 | Friday 2-2:50pm | CIT MSLab |
C08 | Friday 3-3:50pm | CIT MSLab |
C09 | Friday 4-4:50pm | CIT MSLab |
C10 | Saturday noon-12:50pm | CIT 241 |
C11 | Friday 11-11:50am | ❌ overflow |
Remote Students and CSCI 1310 Students
If you are in the online version of CS 300 (S02), your section signup will depend on your situation:
- If you are on campus this semester, you will need to sign up for an in-person section via CAB. Just enroll in a section that works for you.
- If you are not on campus this semester (e.g., cybersecurity masters, study abroad), we will release specific information about remote-accessible sections soon.
If you are in the graduate course, CS 1310, you will need to register for section using a different process (due to limitations of the CAB system). Please check the listings for CSCI 0300 on CAB to find a section with open seats, and then fill out this form with your top 3 choices. We will follow up via email we have processed your request.
Section Rules
Here's how sections in CS 300 work:
- Every student will attend eight mandatory sections over the course of the semester (roughly weekly, with some breaks and exceptions for quiz review weeks). The sections will be lead by the professor or a team of TAs and are designed to provide a space for you to review and reinforce lecture material, and for you to ask questions about the material.
- A section will consist of 20-25 students who will stay within the same section grouping all semester.
- At the start of the semester, you will sign up for a section on CAB when you enroll in the course (or as part of Lab 0).
- When your section takes place, your attendance is required. We expect you to attend, be prepared, ask questions and contribute to the discussion. The section instructors will take attendance during the section.
- Each section is centered around one or two concepts or demonstration programs. We want you to participate actively in the section, and section instructors may call on you to share your questions and ideas.
Sections are not gear-ups or TA hours. They serve to review material, have it explained again in different words, and to address your conceptual questions.